Best Online Distance Universities in Tamil Nadu

List of Top Online/Distance MBA Colleges in Tamil Nadu

Distance/online Education Mba In Tamilnadu

Tamil Nadu is one of the most literate states in India and in recent years has seen a growing number of students opting Tamil Nadu for their higher education.  Tamil Nadu boasts of having highest number of universities in India followed by Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan.  Tamil Nadu boasts of having the oldest university in India. As quoted by Times of India, holding one fifth of the top 20 ranked institutions it has now become the Mecca of education in India. As per January 2018 statistics, the state holds highest enrollment per year recorded at 46.9% (Gross Enrollment Ratio). Undoubtedly, Tamil Nadu has emerged as an education hub for next generation attracting thousands of students from every corner of India for quality education and reputed degrees. Many working professionals enroll the online mode for distance education courses to have better job opportunity.

Top Management Courses In Tamilnadu

Like other metro’s Tamil Nadu is also home to number of higher educational institutions. A top management institution includes Bharathidasan University – Tirichy, Loyola institute of Business Administration and Indian Institute of management Tiruchirrapalli.  Apart from these top ranked management institutions there are number of state government colleges as well as private deemed Universities facilitating class education. Both full time and part time courses like Master’s in Business Administration (MBA), Masters in Human Resource management (MHRM), Masters in Material management etc and many more courses. Apart from full time courses, the state also offers distance management courses for job holders and other aspirants at an affordable price.

Top Management Colleges In Tamilnadu

With advent of cloud technology and internet, education facilitation and availing has crossed the geographical boundaries. Distance education is no more distant rather can be availed sitting at your workplace and home. Tamil Nadu with rich culture of education has been able to keep pace with the current trend and supports reputed distance MBA courses from top most universities and having higher accreditation. Tamil Nadu Open University provides Masters of Business Administration in Shipping and Logistics Management in correspondence. Bharathidasan University provides MBA in hospital management as distance courses. Indian Institute of Business management and Studies offers Post Graduate Diploma in Business management. Anna University located at Guindy facilitates MBA in Health Service Management. However candidates need to cleat TANCET MBA or DEET to get enrolled into this course. Algappa University, Department of Distance education facilitates MBA in project management for duration of two years through distance education. Bharathiar University also provides distance education of Masters in business administration for a period of two years. Apart from these many universities there are other organizations or institutions facilitating affordable and accredited distance MBA courses.

Colleges Affiliation And Accreditation

Each college and universities in Tamil Nadu have accreditation from top educational bodies and affiliations from top universities. The following table provides the list of colleges, universities and organizations offering distance MBA courses, with affiliations and accreditations, pricing and other relevant brochures of the college.

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